Monsenhor enVide neFelibata
This website serves as an archive of enVide neFelibata's artwork, with updates having ceased in 2021. To view the artist's most recent projects, please visit

Installation art should always be site-specific, yet such decree does not compromise that the same art installation concepts shouldn’t be written as a manifest so that it may be later on recreated at different scenarios. By the contrary, I do believe that it must be mandatory to the process. Being site-specific, the creation must be one with the surrounding space. Both space and intervention merge onto a single entity designed to transform the previous perception of the initial space.

There are those that understand art installation as an indoor artwork, nevertheless at an epoch where country borders appear thinner day by day, it makes us sense physical realities, such as dimension, to appear analogous when talking about a single building or an entire city. Therefore, outdoor and indoor notions blend in a way comparable to being indoor a building chamber or the entire building itself. With that in mind, the "installation art" nametag commonly used for indoor spaces and "intervention art" commonly used for outdoor spaces should also blend into a sole, … perhaps "interventive installation art".

All this being said, and echoing myself, an interventive art installation will intervene on the surrounding space in a way that the viewer perceives it as being rather distinctive from what it was before. Also, … being an intervention fashioned for an audience, and recalling my take on the audience role, it must also intervene by not just altering the visual and conceptual reading and apparent environment perception, but it must also be conscious of the audience presence and undertake it as part of the artwork. If I may be permitted to say, the interventive factor must be thoroughly further explored in a way that the process of installing it to the site, should be a performative action as important that it is required to occur and be part of the major creation and occasionally be the installation itself. Audience intervention is encouraged, by their presence alone or by physically modifying the installation.

If we take long care on building on top of these guidelines, we will definitely achieve, to some degree, greater feats than regular sculptural decorations.

Well, … I believe I’ve just syntactically wrote what seems to be the starts of my own personal Monsenhor enVide neFelibata’s Intervention Installation Art Manifest.




shadow and light art installation of artistic intervention for community activation
comissioned site-specific artwork by '4iS - Plataforma para a Inovação Social' for 'Mercado Municipal de Santa Maria da Feira', Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal
REF lucity



site-specific art installation commissioned by the Telemark Museum for the Kittelsenhuset at Kragerø, Norway
REF nokken
Urban Acoustics for 6 loudspeakers on wood and 702 reliquaries

Urban Acoustics for 6 loudspeakers on wood and 702 reliquaries

mixed media / ~10000 x 2000 mm

sonor and sculptural installation by artistic interventions for community activation
comissioned site-specific artwork for 'Elefsina 2021 - Collaborative Environmental Regeneration - 2017', Elefsina, Greece
REF urbanacoustics