Monsenhor enVide neFelibata
This website serves as an archive of enVide neFelibata's artwork, with updates having ceased in 2021. To view the artist's most recent projects, please visit

Holly Mail

ballpoint pen, sharpie, stamp and hairspray on laser printed DL envelope
REF holly
Holly Mail
Holly Mail
Holly Mail
Holly Mail


Mr. Gomes,

The ATC arrived at the end of last week, the one of the hand that you posted as a trio on the ATC Rebels site. Thank you for it. I like it.

There is a problem. My 16-year-old daughter always picks up my mail for me. Usually, she’s amused by the odd postcards and such that come from IUOMA members. Not last week. She was very embarrassed, ashamed, and angry about the drawing of the naked man on the mailer you used to send the ATC. She says she sees it as worse than the rude drawings little boys make in public bathrooms, because you know what you are doing and they don’t. She does not see it as art; she sees it as a ‘blatant statement of strong disrespect’.

I agree with her, though I’m disappointed, not angry. I thought you and I had an understanding, but I guess not. Back to square one for me.

My daughter and I live in a small town, and we know our postal workers well. They know who we are, and are aware of the contents of our mail box. She is upset that they know of the delivery of a dirty picture to us. She has to face them several times each week, and now it is awkward for her. More than that, I don’t want her defiled by images over which she has no control.

I don’t know what else to say, except please don’t do this to us again.

- Linda French




