My way of thinking art is that it will basically be and should be created for an audience rather heterogeneous and for that matter multiple readings will be perceived. Consequently, the artwork must contain different layers for these wide audiences. Sometimes even different meanings and contradictory ones are intentionally worked on top of each other. That is the beauty within, the deepness of it.
I'm not implying that art should be somewhat hermetic nor easily understandable. I'm affirming that is must lead to a dialogue between artist and viewer and between viewers themselves.
1 week old carot stamp of a carot
water based ink and pencil on 110gr Canson paper / 60 x 210 mmset of 12 prints
a new take on how to improve our childhood potato stamps
REF 1weekcarot
1 week old potato stamp of a potato
water based ink and pencil on 110gr Canson paper / 60 x 210 mmset of 20 prints
a new take on how to improve our childhood potato stamps
REF 1weekpotato
34 year old prick stamp of a prick
water based ink and pencil on 110gr Canson paper / 60 x 210 mmset of 15 prints
another take on how to improve stamp artwork
REF 34yearprick
Barraca Vorticista 20 Years
colagem / 148.5 x 210 mm2018
submission to the open call "BARRACA VORTICISTA 1988 - 2018 // 20th Anniversary of an Art Space"
REF barracavorticista
Bota fogo nisso!
typewritter on paper / 210 x 145 mm2017
a project lead by zetavares regarding the fires that stroke us
written as from the mouth of the common person
REF botafogo
Disposable de-worming kit
set of 45 kits / 15 black bible edition, 15 silver and 15 gold2017
a "one use only" disposable exorcism kit
REF disposable
In Case of Despair
mixed media assemblage1 vial with 1 capsule of 500 mg active substance + 1 ampule of 2 ml of prepared solution + 1 razorblade / 130 gr
a "one use only" suicide kit sent to stagnated artists
REF incase
In Lieu of Flowers
stamped 1970’s envelope and laser printed 90gr letter / 210 x 297 mm2015
REF inlieu
70's postcard, 70's envelope and letter paper, INDUS 'AZERTY' typewritter and 50's stampwatercolor, ballpoint pen, sharpie and hairspray on postcard / 100 x 150 mm
inspired in the 80’s american horror cinema
REF popcorn
Poust Mayl
typewritter on paper / 125 x 73 mm2018
incorrectly written address trying to find its way home
REF poustmayl
water based ink on paper beer coaster / 93 x 93 mmset of 25 prints
don’t be a prick. just print it
REF prickalot
glycerin and water-based stamp on beer coaster / 93 X 93 mmset of 50
don’t be a prick. just print it
REF prickp
hand gilded laser printed on 110gr Fabriano paper / 151 x 225 mmset of 20 prints
does the used supplies are responsible for the artwork value?
REF shower
Tristan Tzara BADAss
digital print and acrylic on paper / 220 x 280 mm2018
submission to the open call "TRISTAN TZARA"
REF tristantzara